Sober living homes promote good values for recovering alcoholics and can assist you discontinue drinking

Resist temptation to consume liquor and stay in control of your consuming
Many things could hamper you meeting your goal to cut down on drinking. You may need to choose a new lifestyle if your current life revolves around alcohol. By making your life free of beer you could better reach sobriety. Spend time with people who support your desire to stop using alcohol. Don’t put yourself in an atmosphere that serves drink or if you can’t avoid it drink a soda or virgin beverage. If you have to go to a party where alcohol is being served try to arrive late and leave early. Have an beer free drink instead of booze if you find yourself in a place that serves drinks. If you have to go to a bar to meet up with someone pick a place with the distractions of darts or billiards. Clean out your bar at home by giving beer away or dumping it down the drain. If bars or liquor stores are constantly crossing your daily paths go a different way.
The idea that you can just give up your addiction and automatically live happily ever after is a myth. Rewards are critical to overall recovery process as they could help you to stay motivated. Giving yourself rewards from time to time for not drinking is an important part of recovery that is too often disregarded. The frequency of how much you reward yourself is an individual matter but most folks find more numerous their incentives the less likely they are to go back to bottle. When you stop abusing liquor you will notice how much money you had been spending on booze and can now use for other things. With extra money you could start to repair your finances and start saving spare cash or you can spend it on fun activities. Whatever you are interested in be it classic cars or golf consider buying something that you will thoroughly enjoy. Make sure whatever activity you choose it does not have anything to do with drinking and will not place you in a location where you’ll be tempted to drink ( how to stop drinking alcohol without aa ). Make quitting more symbolic by buying something to help remind you of the decision you have made to make your life free of alcohol. Also visualization could be extremely powerful in terms of helping you make the correct decisions so visualize how you will feel in the future when you are completely free of the grip of alcohol.
Set a goal and make plans to help you discontinue drinking alcohol
Be honest with yourself about role and damage that wine has had in your life. Realize impact of the decision you are about to make with the good and bad that comes along with it. Select a sobriety start date and realize that it is an extraordinary day in your life. Create a card with your motivations to discontinue consuming written down on it and keep it in your purse or wallet. If your friends and family drink ask them to support your recovery by not doing so in front of you. Don’t be scared to tell friends that you may not be able to attend events where wine is being served. Surround yourself with positive influences and people who make you feel good about yourself ( how to help someone cease from drinking booze ). Take care of yourself and value your body and your life. When you are feeling hopeless and alone try calling a hotline to receive support and encouragement. Be aware that booze withdrawal symptoms usually start within hours after you avoid drinking and peak in a day or two.