Your chances of staying sober improve if you are participating in a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is the most recognized and widely available self-help group for alcoholics in treatment and recovery. AA uses fellowship and a set of guided principles known as 12 steps to help members attain and maintain sobriety. A key part of a 12-step program is choosing a sponsor who is a former alcoholic and has time and experience remaining sober. To assist you fight the urge to drink a sponsor helps you understand and follow the AA program. AA provides open meetings that are organized by fellow alcoholics. At speaker meetings one or two members tell their stories and in discussion meetings most of time is for general discussion ( ). Meetings take place on a regular basis and in many different locations around the world. They have some meetings specifically for men or women and so that you have freedom to choose where you would be comfortable. Alcoholics Anonymous is thought of as a proponent of the disease theory of alcoholism.
With a good written plan you can stop the drunkenness and alcoholism strategically
Be honest with yourself about role and damage that liquor has had in your life. Realize the impact of the decision you are about to make with the good and the bad that comes along with it. Set a tangible date to cease drinking altogether and discontinue consuming when that day arrives. Create a card with your motivations to discontinue consuming written down on it and keep it in your purse or wallet. If your friends and family drink ask them to support your recovery by not doing so in front of you. Make it clear to family and guests that consuming will not be allowed in your home. Build your support network and find other sober people that have similar goals ( find out more ). Take care of yourself and value your body and your life. If you have questions about addiction you can find answers you are looking for when you call alcoholism hotline. Prepare yourself for the mental and physical difficulties you may face and realize that it will get easier with time.
It has often been said that alcohol recovery is a process and not an event. Whenever you are trying to accomplish a goal it is important to reward yourself. Giving yourself rewards from time to time for not consuming is an important part of recovery that is too often disregarded. How often you reward yourself depends on what you need to stay motivated. When you stop abusing liquor you will notice how much money you had been spending on booze and can now use for other things. Use the money you would have spent on drinking to do something fun with your family or friends. If you have taken up a new hobby as part of your sobriety plan you could take the extra money and purchase something related to your hobby. As you move forward, focus on what you will reward yourself with in the future for next milestone you complete your plan to not abuse alcohol. Make quitting more symbolic by buying something to help remind you of the decision you have made to make your life free of alcohol. Also visualization could be extremely powerful in terms of helping you make correct decisions so visualize how you will feel in the future when you are completely free of grip of alcohol.